Rachel Doyle SC
- Commercial Law Employment & Industrial
- Tort Law Public Law
Rachel is a specialist in Class Actions, Industrial, Employment and Discrimination Law and Public Law. She has significant experience in common law proceedings involving novel torts, and in Royal Commissions and inquests.
Rachel came to the Bar in 1996 and was appointed senior counsel in 2009. Before joining the Bar, she was associate to Sir Daryl Dawson of the High Court between July 1994 and February 1996.
Liability limited by a scheme approved by Professional Standards Legislation
- P03 9225 6839
- M0416 086 839
- F03 9225 7293
- E[email protected]
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Ah Ket Chambers
Level 35 Room 18
500 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Appellate
- Class Actions
- Consumer Law
- Appellate
- Discrimination
- Employment Contracts
- Industrial Disputes
- Restraint of Trade
- Statutory Employment Rights
- Appellate
- Class Actions
- Commissions & Inquiries
- Common Law
- Inquests
- Major Torts
- Negligence
- Professional Negligence
- Administrative Law
- Appellate
- Civil & Human Rights
- Commissions & Inquiries
- Constitutional Law
- Discrimination
Bachelor of Arts (Juris)
Bachelor of Laws (Hons)(Adel)
South Australia
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
Pacific Current Group Limited v Fitzpatrick and ors (re breach of directors duties, senior counsel for the plaintiffs)
Jeremey Clarke v JB Hi Fi Group (re Extended Warranties products, senior counsel for the group members / consumers)
Dawson and anor v Insurance Australia (re loyalty discount insurance policies, senior counsel for the group members / consumers)
Sinclair & Stott v Victoria (re land tax / s 109 Constitution, senior counsel for the group members / tax payers)
Lidgett v EDI Downer [2023] VSC 574 (senior counsel for the group members / shareholders)
Thomas & Xiao v a2 Milk (No 2) [2022] VSC 725 (senior counsel for the group members/ shareholders)
5 Boroughs NY Pty Ltd v Victoria (No 5) [2023] VSC 682 (the COVID lockdown class action / novel tort, senior counsel for the defendants)
5 Boroughs NY Pty Ltd v Victoria (No 2) [2022] VSC 494
5 Boroughs NY Pty Ltd v Victoria (the Covid lockdown class actions) [2021] VSC 785; senior counsel for the defendants
Crown Resorts v Zantran [2020] FCAFC 1; [2019] FCA 641 senior counsel for the shareholders
Gall v Domino's [2019] FCA 1799 senior counsel for the applicants
Roo-Roofing v Commonwealth [2019] VSC 331 senior counsel for the Commonwealth
McKay Super Solutions v Bellamys [2019] FCA 125 senior counsel for the shareholders
Clime Capital v UGL [2020] FCA 66 senior counsel for the shareholders
Centro Shareholders Class Action [2012] FCA 468, junior counsel for the shareholders
Esso Class Action (Johnson Tiles v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2003] VSC 27, junior counsel for the plaintiffs
Oswal v ANZ 2016 (Victorian Supreme Court, commercial trial) senior counsel for defendant, Chemical Holdings
A v Peters 2014 (Victorian Supreme Court, Hepatitis C class action) senior counsel for Victoria
Esso Australia v Australian Workers Union (2021, Federal Court proceedings re industrial action Gippsland operations, senior counsel for the AWU)
Victoria International Container Terminal Limited v MUA (2021, Supreme Court proceedings re industrial action Webb Dock, senior counsel for the MUA)
Cummins South Pacific v Keenan
(2020) 281 FCR 421 (Senior counsel for Cummins)
Wong v National Australia Bank (2022) Federal Court appeal (senior counsel for the NAB)
Pentridge Village v CFMMEU [2021] VSC 848 (senior counsel for the union)
Pattinson & CFMMEU v ABCC (2020) 282 FCR 580 (senior counsel for the union)
Bashour v ANZ (current discrimination claim, VCAT) senior counsel for ANZ
Registered Organisations Commission v Melhem & AWU [2020] FCA 1148 senior counsel for Melhem
ABCC v CFMEU (2018) 262 CLR 157 (the personal payment orders case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
Newton v Australia Post and Fahour [2018] FCA 2007 senior counsel for Australia Post and Fahour
ABCC v Powell [2017] FCAFC 89 (right of entry case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
ABCC v CFMEU [2018] FCAFC 88 (the Laverton North case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
ACCC v CFMEU [2017] FCA 1191 (the Boral "black ban" case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
Winters v Fogarty [2017] FCA 51 senior counsel for respondent
Swindells v State of Victoria [2016] VSCA 9 senior counsel for Victoria
United Voice v Ambulance Victoria 2016 (Paramedics’ Wages Claim, FWC) senior counsel for Victoria
AEU v State of Victoria [2015] FCA 1196 senior counsel for Victoria
Boral v CFMEU 2015 (Victorian Supreme Court, industrial tort case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
Director v CFMEU (“the Myer Blockade Case”) [2015] FCA 225 senior counsel for the CFMEU
State of Victoria (Office of Public Prosecutions) v Grant [2014] FCAFC 184 senior counsel for the OPP
CFMEU v Boral Resources [2014] VSCA 348 senior counsel for CFMEU
State of Victoria v CFMEU [2013] FCAFC 160 senior counsel for CFMEU
CFMEU v Victoria [2013] FCA senior counsel for CFMEU
The Equal Remuneration Case [2011] Full Bench FWA 2700 senior counsel for Victoria, intervening
Quinn v Overland (2010) 199 IR 40 senior counsel for the applicant
O’Shea v Heinemann (2008) 172 FCR 475 counsel for the regulator
Family Provisions Test Case [2005] AIRC 692 counsel for each State government in Australia, intervening
Minister v Gribbles (2005) 222 CLR 194 junior counsel for the Commonwealth
AiG v AFMEPKIU (the Emwest Case) (2003) 125 IR 449 junior counsel for the union
Working Hours Test Case [2002] AIRC 857 counsel for each State government in Australia, intervening
GreaterDandenong City Council v ASU (2001) 112 FCR 232 junior counsel for the union
Riverwood v McCormick (2000) 177 ALR 193 counsel for the applicant
Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry 2014 - 2015 (Teague Commission of Inquiry: mine fire) senior counsel for Engie
Trade Union Royal Commission 2014 (Heydon Royal Commission) senior counsel for the Electrical Trades Union
Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission 2009 – 2010 junior counsel assisting
Esso / Longford Royal Commission 1998 junior counsel for Trades Hall
Pentridge Village v CFMMEU (Supreme Court current economic tort case) senior counsel for the union
Smith v Victoria [2018] VSC 475 (novel tort case re domestic violence victims) senior counsel for the plaintiff
Roo-Roofing v Commonwealth [2019] VSC 331 senior counsel for the Commonwealth
Hodson v Victoria (Supreme Court, novel tort case) senior counsel for Victoria
Dale v State of Victoria 2015 (Supreme Court, negligence claim), senior counsel for Victoria
Boral v CFMEU 2015 (Supreme Court, industrial tort case) senior counsel for the CFMEU
Bau v Victoria Police [2009] VSCA 107 (employee tort claim) junior counsel for Victoria Police
Premier v Spotless [2007] VSC 377 (professional negligence) junior counsel for the environmental consultants
Crimmins v Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee (1999) 200 CLR 1 junior counsel for the applicant
VicForests v Environment Protection East Gippsland Inc [2023] VSCA 159 (Senior counsel for VicForests)
Masson v Parsons [2019] HCA 21 senior counsel for Victoria, intervening
Momcilovic v The Queen (2011) 245 CLR 1 junior to the Commonwealth Solicitor General
Magill v Magill (2006) 81 ALJR 254 junior to the Commonwealth Solicitor General
Vanstone v Clark [2005] FCAFC 189 junior counsel for Clark
Ng & Fittock v R (2003) 77 ALJR 967 junior counsel for the Victorian Attorney General, intervening
Ng v R (2002) 5 VR 257 counsel for the Victorian Attorney General, intervening
Foley v Australian Information Commissioner[2024] FCA 169 (re the Optus data breach, senior counsel for the Optus customers)
Medibank Private Limited v Australian Information Commissioner[2024] FCA 117 (senior counsel for the Medibank members)
R v Chaouk [2013] VSCA 99 counsel for the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission intervening
Momcilovic v The Queen (2011) 245 CLR 1 junior to the Commonwealth Solicitor General
Kiefel v State of Victoria [2013] FCA 1398 senior counsel for Victoria
Benic v State of Victoria [2011] FCA 1263 senior counsel for Victoria
Turner v State of Victoria [2009] VSC 66 junior counsel for Victoria
Jacomb v ASU [2004] FCA 1250 counsel for HREOC, intervening
Schou v State of Victoria [2004] VSCA 71 junior counsel for the plaintff
Director Public Prosecutions (Cth) v CFMMEU and O'Mara (criminal cartel case, senior counsel for the union)
Tomlin (Worksafe) v Engie committal (VWA prosecution re mine fire) senior counsel for the mine owners
EPA v Engie committal (EPA prosecution re mine fire) senior counsel for the mine owners
Inquest into the death of LukeBatty 2014 – 2015 senior counsel for Ms Rosie Batty
Inquest into the death of Terrence and ChristineHodson 2014 senior counsel for Chief Commissioner of Police
Inquest into the death of Heri 2006 junior counsel for Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Inquest into the death of Tanginoa 2003 junior counsel for the Commonwealth
Victorian Bar Industrial Bar Association – member
Law Council of Australia - Federal Litigation and Dispute Resolution Section, Industrial Law Committee, committee member from 2013 to 2024