Natalie Hickey
- Commercial Law Intellectual Property
Natalie also has a keen interest in media related matters, particularly social media. She has acted in many disputes concerning copyright, marketing, brands, confidential information, the Internet and digital technology. She also practises in sports law.
Previously a law firm partner, Natalie holds a Masters degree in media and telecommunications law from the University of Melbourne.
Natalie is an experienced private mediator, particularly in IP, competition and consumer law, and defamation matters.
Legal publications have recognised Natalie for many years. She is listed in the current editions of:
- The Legal 500 Asia Pacific (Litigation, Intellectual Property and Competition Law);
- Doyles’ Guide (Intellectual Property);
- Best Lawyers, Australia (Litigation, Intellectual Property, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Sports Law);
- Who’s Who Legal - Trademarks.
Natalie serves in the following integrity roles:
- Counsel assisting the Cricket Australia Code of Conduct Commission (since 2017/2018 season);
- Netball Australia Super Netball League Disciplinary and Appeals Panel (since 2018).
Natalie has been a board member of Bell Shakespeare Theatre Company since 2017. She has also been a board member of Cottage by the Sea, Queenscliff since 1999.
Natalie has a background in publishing (Editor of Victorian Bar News: 2017-2021) and in social media. She is a past board member of the Thoroughbred Racehorse Owners’ Association Inc (TROA) (2016-2022).
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
- P03 9225 6609
- M0419 127 423
- F03 9225 8668
- E[email protected]
- Connect on Linkedin
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Emmerson Chambers
Level 18 Room 4
200 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Jane King
03 9225 8558
- Competition
- Consumer Law
- Contractual Disputes
- Sports Law
- Confidential Information
- Copyright & Designs
- Information Technology
- Media & Entertainment
- Trade Marks
- Defamation
Bachelor of Arts/Laws (Hons)(Melb)
Master of Laws (Media & Telecommunications)(Melb)
State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
Federal Court of Australia
High Court of Australia
Recent Cases
Trkulja v Dobrijevic & Ors (No. 2) [2014] VSC 594: Supreme Court (Defamation; Amendment of Pleadings - Led by Georgina Schoff KC)
Trkulja v Dobrijevic & Ors (No. 3) [2014] VSC 614 Supreme Court (Defamation; Immediate costs enforcement - Led by Georgina Schoff KC)
Comite Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne v Rachel Jayne Powell: Federal Court VID 1373 of 2013 ("Champagne Jayne case": Australian consumer law; use of 'champagne' - Counsel for Respondent in closing submissions and costs phase with co-counsel Evelyn Tadros )
Von Marburg v Aldred & Mourik [2015] VSC 467 and Von Marburg v Aldred & Mourik [2016] VSC 36: Supreme Court (Defamation; Amendment of Pleadings; Immediate costs enforcement - Led by Dr Matthew Collins KC)
Dick Smith Investments Pty Ltd v Roger John Ramsey: Federal Court (Syd) NSD 272/2014 ('OZEMITE' and 'AUSSIEMITE' trade mark dispute: Counsel for Respondent in four day trial - unled; judgment pending)
More Group Pty Ltd v Czesler & Ors: Supreme Court 2015 000204 (Cross-vesting application - unled)
Great Vision Education v Happy Education Pty Ltd: Federal Court No. VID 666 of 2015 (Franchise dispute: Counsel for Respondent including injunction application - led by Georgina Costello)
GM Holden Ltd & Ors v S.S.S. Auto Parts Pty Ltd & Ors; Federal Court VID 394/2015 (Designs - Led by Edward Heerey KC for the Respondents - trial pending)
BMW AG & Anor v Samad Tyres Pty Ltd & Ors; Federal Court VID 913/2015 (Trade Marks - Led by Adrian Ryan SC for the Respondents - settled at mediation)
Lee v Korean Society & Ors: Supreme Court S CI 2013 06474 (Defamation - Led by Simon Wilson KC - settled after Week 1 trial)
Victorian Bar News Editorial Committee
Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ)