Marcus Melissa

Melissa Marcus

Bar roll 2010 Admitted 1993
  • Commercial Law Intellectual Property
  • Tort Law
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Melissa Marcus practises in defamation law and all aspects of intellectual property

Melissa has expertise in intellectual property litigation, with extensive experience in trade marks, copyright and misleading or deceptive conduct litigation. Melissa also does defamation law.  She is a recommended Junior Counsel in intellectual property law by Doyle's Guide to the Australian Legal Profession (2023). The Legal 500 Asia Pacific for the Australian Bar further recognises Melissa as leading Intellectual Property Law Counsel (2024).  She has also been distinguished as outstanding by Best Lawyers 2022 in intellectual property law.

Melissa also has experience in Royal Commissions, having acted for a client before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (led by Dr Matt Collins AM KC), and for a client in relation to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

She also has experience as an independent auditor in relation to undertakings to the ACCC pursuant to section 87B of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

Before joining the Bar, Melissa managed Mallesons Stephen Jaques' Trade Marks Group in Melbourne, providing trade mark, branding and general strategic advice to clients in Australia and overseas, and advising on oppositions and other IP disputes. She also worked at Linklaters in London after completing a Master of Laws at Cambridge University.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation


Chambers & Clerk

Emmerson Chambers
Level 18 Room 15

200 Queen Street 
Melbourne VIC 3000 

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Jane King

03 9225 8558


Intellectual Property
  • Appellate
  • Confidential Information
  • Copyright & Designs
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Patents
  • Trade Marks
Tort Law
  • Commissions & Inquiries
  • Defamation



Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Laws (Hons)

Master of Laws (Cantab)



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Recent Cases

Royal Commissions

Melissa represented a client in Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

Acting for the Salvation Army Southern Territory in relation to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse, including appearing before the Royal Commission in Adelaide in October 2015 in relation to Case Study 33 and in Sydney in December 2016 in relation to Case Study 49 (led by Dr Matt Collins KC).

Federal Court

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited v Community First Credit Union Limited (No 2) [2021] FCAFC 62 (27 April 2021) – costs.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited v Community First Credit Union Limited [2021] FCAFC 31 (11 March 2021) (led by Tony Bannon SC).

Swancom Pty Ltd v The Jazz Corner Hotel Pty Ltd and others. Acted for the Respondents in relation to a claim for trade mark infringement (led by Colin Golvan KC) [2020] FCA 396 and (No. 2) [2021] FCA 328

State Street Global Advisors Trust Company and Another v Maurice Blackburn Pty Ltd and others (2019) FCA 1464 – Harmen application (led by Colin Golvan AM KC).

State Street Global Advisors Trust Company and Another v Maurice Blackburn Pty Ltd and others (No 2) [2021] FCA 137. Acted for Maurice Blackburn in relation to claim for trade mark infringement, copyright infringement, inducing breach of contract and misleading or deceptive conduct relating to a replica statue of a girl unveiled in Melbourne (led by Colin Golvan AM KC).

Nesor Nominees Pty Ltd v Big Boys BBQ Pty Ltd (2019) - trade mark infringement action. [2019] FCA 1208.

Community First Credit Union Limited v Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (2017) – trade mark cancellation proceedings and appeal from decision of Trade Marks Office (TMO) in trade mark opposition (led by Colin Golvan AM QC). [2019] FCA 1553 and (No. 2) [2019) FCA 1576.

Metalsistem Australia Storage and Display Solutions Pty Ltd v Oshrat Kirk – (2017) claim for breach of confidence and breach of section 183 of the Corporations Act.

Dollhouse v Love D&VXOXO (2016) – Federal Court – trade mark infringement and misleading or deceptive conduct.

Fire Protection Association of Australia v Third Planet Group Pty Ltd and Anor (2016) – copyright infringement proceedings (led by Colin Golvan KC).

Monster Energy Company v Ox Group Global Pty Ltd (2016) - appeal from decision of TMO re opposition to registration of Ox Group trade mark.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil v Apperley Holdings Pty Ltd (2016) – Federal Court trade mark proceedings and misleading or deceptive conduct (led by Colin Golvan KC).

Wolveridge Architects Pty Ltd v Sorrento Moon Pty Ltd and Ors (2016) – copyright infringement proceedings.

Louis Vuitton v Sonya Valentine and others (2015) – acting for one of the Respondents in Federal Court action in Victoria in relation to trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off action.

Marshall Power Australia Pty Ltd v Exide Australia Pty Ltd and Ors (2015) – trade mark infringement and misleading or deceptive conduct in the Federal Circuit Court in Sydney.

MZZNF v Minister for Immigration & Border Protection & Refugee Review Tribunal [2015] FCCA 1792 – pro bono matter acting for asylum seeker.

Radnor v Ricegrowers Limited (2015) – Federal Court of Victoria trade mark infringement action against Ricegrowers.

Telstra Corporation Limited v Phone Directories Company Australia Limited and Ors [2015] FCAFC 156 - Full Court decision concerning Telstra’s application to register the word Yellow (led by G Schoff KC).

DTA (Australia) Pty Ltd v Italia Ceramics Pty Ltd (2014) – Federal Court action involving trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off (led by G Schoff KC).

Fire Protection Association of Australia v Simpro Software (2014) – copyright infringement action in the Federal Court of Victoria (led by M Collins KC).

Phone Directories Company Australia and others v Telstra Corporation Limited [2014] FCA 373 – 2 separate appeals (de novo) from the TMO relating to Telstra’s application to register the word Yellow (led by G Schoff KC).

Pandrol Australia Limited and another v Australian Railway Supply Company Limited (2013) – Federal Court NSW, trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off.

Sarkis Manufacturing and another v Diamonds International and others (2013) – acting for one of the respondents in relation to application for an interlocutory injunction in the Federal Court in Melbourne.

Smile Solutions v Cosmetic and Microdentistry Centre (2012) – acting for Smile Solutions in Federal Court application for urgent interlocutory injunction relating to the use of trade marks in keyword searches.

Wirra IP v Nutrition Care Pharmaceutical and another (2012) – trade mark infringement, trade mark revocation, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off. Federal Court NSW.

Timber Ridge Investments v Auscut Queensland and others (2011) – Federal Court action involving trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off (led by C Golvan KC).

Supreme Court - Court of Appeal

Mulvany v Hive & Wellness Australia Pty Ltd (formlery Capilano Honey) [2019] VSCA 122 – acting (unled) for Hive & Wellness Australia (formerly Capilano Honey) in Court of Appeal in relation appeal by Mulvany from decision of Dixon J to not vary injunctions previously made.

Supreme Court

Hive and Wellness Australia Pty Ltd v Mulvany [2019] VSC 273 – acting for Hive and Wellness in relation to strike out application of defamation defences.

Capilano Honey Ltd v Mulvany [2018] VSC 672 – hearing before Dixon J in which Mulvany sought to vary injunctions imposed upon him previously by the Supreme Court in NSW.

Telstra Corporation Limited v Singtel Optus Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 247 - urgent application on behalf of Telstra for interlocutory injunction relating to Optus’ advertisements relating to its mobile phone network (led by M Collins QC and Jim Peters QC).

Dean Al Sesalim v The Herald & Weekly Times and Anor (2017) – defamation proceedings (led by G Schoff QC).

Contract Control Services Pty Ltd & Anor v Regional Publishers (Western Victoria) Pty Ltd and Anor (2016) – injurious falsehood and defamation proceedings (led by M Collins QC).

Antonio Madafferi v The Age Limited and Ors [2015] VSC 682, [2016] VSC 103 – defamation proceedings (led by G Schoff QC).

Barry Plant Group Pty Ltd v Northcote Realty Pty Ltd (2016) – urgent injunction application relating to potential breach of franchise agreement.

Sharkey v The Age Company – defamation proceedings acting for The Age (led by M Collins QC).

Cripps and another v Vakras and another – defamation proceedings (led by W Houghton QC).

Winbet (Aust) v Racing Vic – Supreme Court of Victoria action relating to calculation of levy payable by Winbet to Racing Vic (led by M Collins QC).

Leon Pompei v The Mordialloc Boating and Angling Club and Ors – defamation proceedings.

McIntyre v Zadel – Supreme Court Victoria defamation proceedings.

Funtastic and another v IE Enterpises and another – urgent interlocutory application for search orders by Funtastic in late 2013.

County Court

Parke v Zivkovic and Ors [2021] VCC 188 – defamation, costs.

Parke v Zivkovic and Ors [2021] VCC 41- Defamation, assessment of damages (led by M Collins AM QC).

Deb Fryers v Shane Jacobson & Anor (2018) - acting for Ms Fryers in relation to a claim for breach of contract and quantum meruit.

Access Solutions Pty Ltd v Gamet Pty Ltd [2017] VCC 1563 – dispute concerning lockout of tenant by landlord involving conversion of goods and business interruption.

Deerfield Productions Pty Ltd v Evergreen Films Pty Ltd – acting for Australian subsidiary of US film production company in relation to commercial dispute brought by Australian composer.

MMP Greater Geelong v Hayeswinckle Holding – County Court of Victoria defamation action (led by M Collins QC).

Schiavello v Exquisite Pty Ltd and another [2015] VCC 4 (29 May 2015) – County Court proceedings in relation to commercial dispute between the parties.

Trade Marks Office proceedings

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited v Community First Credit Union Ltd [2017] ATMO 73 - acting for Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited in relation to opposition to registration of the marks COMMUNITY FIRST BANK and COMMUNITY FIRST MUTUAL BANK in the name of Community First Credit Union Limited.

PayPal Inc v Giftmobile Pty Ltd [2017] ATMO 113 - acting for PayPal in relation to opposition to trade mark number 1677875 for GiftPAL in the name of Giftmobile Pty Ltd.

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Ltd v Amurt Inc [2016] ATMO 72 (opposition).

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Ltd v Seva Dharma Mission (Australia) Limited [2016] ATMO 79 (opposition).

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Ltd v Seva Darma Mission (Australia) Ltd [2015] ATMO 96 (section 92 removal application)

Storm Group v Storm International Group Pty Ltd [2016] ATMO 99 (opposition).

Abaco Machines (Australia) Pty Limited v Aardwolf Australia Pty Ltd [2015] ATMO 55 72 (opposition).

Gervasi Nominees Pty Ltd and Santo Gervasi v Winmart Pty Ltd [2015] ATMO 6 (opposition).

Phone Directories Company Australia and Optus’ opposition to Telstra Corporation Limited’s application to register the colour yellow [2015].

McD Asia Pacific LLC v Sheikhtaba Pty Ltd [2015] ATMO 112 – acting for Sheikhtaba in in relation to opposition by McDonalds to registration of the mark MAKFOODS and device.

eBay Inc v Tradiebay [2013] ATMO 58 72 (opposition).

Medibank Private Limited opposition to Randall Communications Pty Ltd’s application to register MEDIBAND PLUS [2013] 72.

Match Investments v Match Realty Limited [2012] ATMO 90 72 (opposition).

Basic Trademark SA v Krelia Tobacco Company Inc [2012] ATMO 125 72 (opposition).

Telstra Corporation Limited v Phone Directories Company Pty Ltd [2012] ATMO 114 72 (opposition).

NSE Products Ltd v International Waters Pty Ltd [2011] ATMO 35 72 (opposition).

PayPal Inc v Credibank Pty Ltd [2011] ATMO 76 72 (opposition).


14 June 2024

Intellectual Property - Trade Mark Law Update - Vitaco Health IP Pty Ltd v AFI Cosmetic Pty Ltd (No 3) [2024] FCA 598

07 May 2024

Intellectual Property - Patent Law Update - Jusand Nominees Pty Ltd v Rattlejack Innovations Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 178

02 May 2024

Intellectual Property - Patent Law Update - the Full Court gives SARB’s latest parking product the green light, but says that VMS’ patents remain valid.

30 April 2024

Intellectual Property – Patent Law Update - validity, manner of manufacture. Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited v Commissioner of Patents (No 3) [2024] FCA 212

26 April 2024

Intellectual Property – Patent Law Update: Section 117, authorisation and “Swiss-style” claims, liability not avoided - but where to on damages?

14 February 2024

The Agency Group Australia Ltd v H.A.S. Real Estate Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 203

09 February 2024

Intellectual Property Law Update - McD Asia Pacific LLC v Hungry Jack’s Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 1412

13 November 2023

Halal Certification Authority Pty Limited v Flujo Sanguineo Holdings Pty Limited [2023] FCFCA 175

08 November 2023

Cantarella Bros Pty Ltd v Lavazza Australia Pty Ltd (No. 3) [2023] FCA 1258

02 November 2023

Intellectual Property - Appellate Law Update - Directed Electronics OE Pty Ltd v Gridtraq Australia Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 149

02 October 2023

Patent Law Update - Sanofi v Amgen Inc. (No 2) [2023] FCA 1156

26 September 2023

Patent Law Update - Hanwha Solutions Corporation v REC Solar Pte Ltd [2023] FCA 1017

14 September 2023

Energy Beverages LLC v Kangaroo Mother Australia Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 999

23 August 2023

MMD Design and Consultancy Limited v Camco Engineering Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 827

08 August 2023

UbiPark Pty Ltd v TMA Capital Australia Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] FCA 885

07 August 2023

Patent Law Update - ToolGen Incorporated v Fisher (No 2) [2023] FCA 794

07 August 2023

Copyright Law Update - Chapcon Building Services Pty Ltd v Spectrum Homes Qld Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 873

07 August 2023

Trade Mark Law Update - Ragopika Pty Ltd v Padmasingh Isaac Trading as Aachi Spices and Foods [2023] FCA 487

06 July 2023

Patent Law Update - Vehicle Monitoring Systems Pty Limited v SARB Management Group Pty Ltd trading as Database Consultants Australia (No 8) [2023] FCA 182.

15 June 2023

Trade Mark Law Update - Seven Network (Operations) Limited v 7-Eleven Inc [2023] FCA 608

06 June 2023

Patent Law Update - Sandoz Ltd v Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Ireland Unlimited Company [2023] EWCA Civ 472

06 June 2023

Patent Law Update - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation v Urrbrae Foods Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 504

02 June 2023

Intellectual Property Law Update - New Aim Pty Ltd v Leung [2023] FCAFC 67

31 May 2023

Copyright and Confidential Information Law Update - Austin Engineering Pty Ltd v Podulova [2023] FCA 419

16 February 2023

Intellectual Property Law Update – claim construction fuels the Full Court – Airco Fasteners Pty Ltd v Illinois Tool Works Inc [2023] FCAFC 7

14 February 2023

Misleading & Deceptive Conduct Update – Inspiration vs Deliberate Copying. Elements common to the trade – Natural Raw C Pty Ltd v Maicap Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 51

14 February 2023

Misleading and Deceptive Conduct Update - Brick Lane Brewing Co Pty Ltd v Torquay Beverage Co Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 66

27 October 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update - Australian Mud Company Pty Ltd v Globaltech Corporation (No 3) [2022] FCA 1189

06 October 2022

Patent Law Update – Full Federal Court upholds Justice Burley’s findings that only half of Juno’s proposed product infringes Pharmacia’s valid patent

14 September 2022

Trade Marks Update – acquired distinctiveness is not relevant to assessment of deceptive similarity

13 September 2022

Trade Marks Update – the CAT is well and truly in the bag - Puma SE v Caterpillar Inc [2022] FCAFC 153

08 September 2022

Trade Marks and Consumer Law Update – Shape mark – use as a trade mark – is this the FINISH?

23 August 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – What to do with the split High Court decision on Manner of Manufacture?

22 August 2022

Defamation Law Update – Google LLC v Defteros [2022] HCA 27

25 July 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – WeChat confidential information and lawyers beware, how to prepare expert reports

25 June 2022

Intellectual Property Update - C.M.E. Blasting & Mining Equipment Ltd v Rock Tool Refurbishment Solutions Pty Ltd (No 2)

27 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Enough with elections already

27 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update When “opposites” attract infringement

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Finally: A truly trivial addition not innovative

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – recovery of costs by a successful appellant from a decision of the Registrar (designs, trade marks or patents).

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Copyright and Works of “Artistic Craftsmanship”, assessment of evidence, the need for special training, skill and knowledge

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Stay of Costs Orders Pending Appeal

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Microphone design more than a sound bite

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – “Oils ain’t oils” but can be staple commercial products

12 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update – Damages for infringement of a patent that is still under attack

11 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update Default Judgment and Declarations

09 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update Settling an appeal from the Trade Marks Office: power and public interest

03 May 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. v Sandoz Pty Ltd [2022] FCAFC 40 - Commissioner of Patents v Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd [2022] FCAFC 39

22 April 2022

Intellectual Property Law Update Commissioner of Patents v Thaler [2022] FCAFC 62 - 13 April 2022 Allsop CJ, Nicholas, Yates, Moshinsky and Burley JJ

20 April 2022

Intellectual Property Update Novartis AG v Pharmacor Pty Limited [2022] FCAFC 58

08 December 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Repipe Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Patents [2021] FCAFC 223

25 November 2021

Intellectual Property Law Update - Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc v Elanco New Zealand

19 November 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Shepparton Partners Collective Operations Pty Ltd v QAD Inc [2021] FCAFC 206

05 November 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Henley Arch Pty Ltd v Henley Constructions Pty Ltd [2021] FCA 1369

11 October 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Nagpal v Global Cars Aus Pty Ltd

27 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - BGD Corporation Pty Ltd v Kalaoun

15 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Otter Products, LLC v Haydon

10 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - XCFB and National Disability Insurance Agency

07 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Ono Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd v Commissioner of Patents [2021] FCA 643 (11 June 2021)

07 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc v Sequenom, Inc [2021] FCAFC 101 (18 June 2021)

07 September 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Chevron Global Energy Inc v Ampol Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd [2021] FCA 617 (8 June 2021)

07 September 2021

Insolvency & Intellectual Property Update - McCallum, in the Matter of Re Holdco Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) (No 2) [2021] FCA 377 (21 April 2021)

27 August 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Caterpillar Inc v Puma SE

12 August 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. v Sandoz Pty Ltd

04 August 2021

Intellectual Property Update - International Wushu Federation v Google LLC

04 August 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Ames Australasia Pty Ltd v AgBoss Australia Pty Ltd

30 July 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Thaler v Commissioner of Patents

09 July 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Chevron Global Energy Inc v Ampol Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd (No 2)

08 July 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Repipe Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Patents (No 3)

08 July 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Whitsunday Aerial Solutions Professionals Pty Ltd v Emprja Pty Ltd

02 July 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Verix Pty Ltd v Williams

29 March 2021

Intellectual Property Update - D’Annunzio v Willunga Projects Pty Ltd

10 March 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Metricon Homes Pty Ltd v Zac Homes Pty Ltd

02 March 2021

Intellectual Property Update - Urban Alley Brewery Pty Ltd v La Sirène Pty Ltd

02 March 2021

Intellectual Property Update - State of Escape Accessories Pty Limited v Schwartz and farewell to Peter Heerey AM QC

02 March 2021

Intellectual Property Update - State of Escape Accessories Pty Limited v Schwartz (No 2) and in other news…

26 February 2021

Intellectual Property Update - The Cultural Intelligence Project Pty Ltd v The Entourage Education Group Pty Ltd

22 January 2021

Intellectual Property Update - UON Pty Ltd v Hoascar [No 3]

03 December 2020

Intellectual Property Update - Brennan v Foster Blake [2021] Fed C Fam C2G 261


Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association

Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ)

Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ) - Committee Member Victorian Division