Jordon Ross Portrait

Jordon Ross

Bar roll 2007 Admitted 2003
  • Commercial Law Tort Law
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Jordon Ross has a broad commercial law practice

Before joining the Bar, Jordon was an associate in the litigation department at Herbert Smith in London. Prior to that, he completed articles at Minter Ellison and worked there as a solicitor for three years.

While at Minter Ellison, he gained experience in the Federal, Supreme, County and Magistrates’ Courts and also completed a secondment to the litigation group of a major Australian bank.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


Chambers & Clerk

Dawson Chambers

405 Little Bourke St

Melbourne VIC 3000

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Jane King

03 9225 8558


Commercial Law
  • Appellate
  • Banking & Finance
  • Bankruptcy
  • Class Actions
  • Commercial Arbitration
  • Competition
  • Contractual Disputes
  • Corporate Insolvency
  • Corporations & Securities
  • Equity & Trusts
  • Insurance
Tort Law
  • Class Actions
  • Product Liability



Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (Melb)

Bachelor of Commerce (Melb)



Entitled to practise in

State and Territory Courts and Tribunals

Federal Court of Australia

High Court of Australia

Recent Cases

Commercial Law

Yara Pilbara Fertilisers Pty Ltd v Oswal & Ors [2016] VSC 440 (led by Steven Finch SC with Andrew Cameron, instructed by Murcia Pestell Hillard, Perth)

Downie v Spiral Foods Pty Ltd & Others (Bonsoy class-action) (led by David Collins KC and Richard Attiwill QC, instructed by Hunt & Hunt)

Apache Northwest Pty Ltd & Anor v Alcoa of Australia Limited & Anor [2014] HCATrans 84 (led by David Collins KC and Kevin Lyons KC, instructed by Lander & Rogers)

Yara Australia Pty Ltd v Oswal [2013] VSCA 156 and [2013] VSCA 337 (led by Tony Bannon SC, instructed by Watson Mangioni, Sydney)

Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria v Scully & Anor [2013] VSCA 292 (led by Kevin Lyons KC, instructed by Voitin Lawyers)

Healthscope Ltd & Anor v Specialist Diagnostic Services Pty Ltd [2013] HCATrans 50 (led by Alan Archibald KC, instructed by Allens)

Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd (receivers and managers appointed) v Oswal & Ors (No 3) [2011] FCA 1502 (led by Peter Collinson KC, instructed by Murcia Pestell Hillard, Perth)

Slaveski v State of Victoria & Ors [2011] VSC 201 (instructed by Middletons)

DPP v Ali [2010] VSC 503 (led by Stephen O’Bryan KC, instructed by the DPP)

Specialist Diagnostic Services Pty Ltd v Healthscope Ltd [2010] VSC 443 (led by David Collins KC, instructed by Allens)

Field v Perpetual Ltd [2010] FCA 1001 (instructed by HWL Ebsworth)

Shepparton Projects Pty Ltd v Cave Investments Pty Ltd [2010] VSC 504 (led by Ian Martindale KC, instructed by Altus Lawyers)